Welcome to a revamped Happy Horrorween! Over the next thirty-one days, I'll be bringing you a mix of some of my favorite films plus some I'll be experiencing for the first time just so I can share them with you. So, what do I have in store for you? Read on!
My first feature will be the entire Saw series. From the start of the series to its seventh and final chapter, I'll be bringing you all of Jigsaw's exploits. I really enjoy this series, despite its bad reputation, and it will be an honor and a pleasure to share that enjoyment with you.
I also have three days with three films that I was sent that I never got a chance to cover. Whether I put off watching it or got too busy to review them properly, I look to remedy that here.
The second-to-last week of the month, I'll be bringing you six days of films from 1981. Inspired by an article in Horror Hound magazine, which detailed many films from that year alone, I'll be bringing you some of the most famous (and infamous) films from this special year, along with some forgotten classics.
Finally, since this is the first year for the new Happy Horror, I'll be restarting my reviews of the big three franchises with all-new review coverage of the original Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and Halloween. It's been a number of years since I first reviewed those films on the old site and I want to bring them more in line with my current review style.
As you can see, I have a full plate in front of me, one I can't wait to dive into. Join me tomorrow when I kick off the festivities with the first Saw film. Two single file lines, please, no pushing, there's plenty of room for everyone. Until tomorrow, October 1st, this is Red Hawk signing out!