Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday (the 13th) Terror Tracks (2012 comedy song)

So, it's time to resurrect an old article type from the early days of my site.  It's Wolfgang's old creation, Terror Tracks!  And while he usually posted his TT articles on Tuesdays, it's way too fitting to bring it up today, Friday the 13th.  So sit back, relax, and I'll be bringing you a recent favorite of mine, originally posted on the FuMP on Friday, January 13th, 2012, Devo Spice's Friday (the 13th).

This is actually my second music review, my first being a small Terror Tracks article reviewing Jonathan Coulton's RE: Your Brains.  However, I've been wanting to review this one, as well as several other horror related songs from the FuMP (aka The Funny Music Project), so I figured there'd be no time like the present.  So, what do we have in store for you this time?

The song is a parody of Rebecca Black's much-reviled Friday.  The song is by Devo Spice, formerly Sudden Death, who does a rap as Jason near the end, but most of the song is sung by ShiSho, a group from Ohio.  It's from the POV of a traditional survivor girl as she makes her way through a typical Friday the 13th movie.  The supplied screams are from many of Devo Spice's fans, along with a Wilhelm thrown in for good measure.

I have to admit, I haven't heard the original it's based off of, but I do really enjoy this parody.  It does really capture the feeling of the films, in a humorous way.  ShiSho pulls off the lyrics wonderfully, and the Jason rap near the end works pretty well as an inner monologue.  I highly recommend this one!

For more information about ShiSho, including a listen to their album The Sisters, you can find them here:  For Devo Spice's FuMP page, you can find it here:

And so, for your listening pleasure, here's the song! 

And so, for now, this is Red Hawk signing out!